Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sleeping Together

'Sleeping together', a purely innocent act has been defiled by being the constant euphemism for 'having sex'. So much so that the thought of having two people sleeping together can cause so much unrest in some.

Thanks to the media, and all those uneducated/stupid people who throws babies at the roadside, the act of simply sleeping together conjures up so many imaginative or should I say UN-imaginative scenarios in people's mind. Why can't the meaning of sleeping together just be taken literally sometimes?

Being able to sleep together with your loved ones or even your friends should be a nice little privilege. You get to have quiet pillow talks before you fall asleep, tease and cuddle each other and wake up to whispers of good morning and possibly kisses (if you're not particular with morning breath *haha*). Taking words from a sleep specialist - Dr. Beth Malow, sleeping together is actually healthy for relationships because it can be emotionally healing. I'm pretty sure it does not only apply to relationship between couples, but also relationship between friends. Why else do you think that sleepover parties are ever so popular?

The mindset of sleeping together = having sex has really got to change. I understand that urges are sometimes hard to control, and anything can happen. But sleeping together does not mean that you are going to get a surprise in the next 9 months! Even if two people doesn't sleep together, they can still have sex. I can easily just fuck someone and then leave. So food for thought to you peeps out there who thinks sleeping together literally is such a taboo >_<

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The True Insight

It's been nearly 2 months since I last blogged. *haihz* I've always thought people just say studying life is better than working life because that's just what people say. However, now that I've actually started working, I have to admit it's 100% true. Despite the fact that I like my job, I still think life was better as a student.
  1. You have more freedom as a student e.g. skipping class, but there's no such thing as skipping work because you'll just be bombarded with a mountain of work when you return.
  2. The consequences of procrastination back in university would mean burning the midnight oil for a few days, submitting assignments late or getting a bad grade. But if you procrastinate work, you will miss deadlines, cost your client and company and possibly get fired.
  3. Back in school, you hang out with the people you like, stay far far away from the people you don't like and bitch about them behind their backs. At the office, you are forced to work with people who don't like you or the people you don't like. You can't bitch with your other colleagues because there's this ugly thing called "office politics" which could jeopardize your career.
  4. Time is so precious now that you work 5 days a week instead of getting a 3-day weekend. Working long and unfixed hours totally cut down your own personal time. Now, only the weekend is left, and there's still friends and family.
There are actually still so much more that I want to say. But the clock is ticking, and there's a morning alarm that I can't miss tomorrow because it's a working day. So there you have it, the true insight of a working fresh graduate. Pardon the hasty conclusion, I shall come back to this topic again when I have more time.

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