Welcome to the 1st annual Ang Pau Awards
I know it's a bit late but the show must go on!
Most Common Ang Pau Award goes to...
I got like 9 of these in total
I'm sure lots of other people are using this ang pau too
Weirdest Ang Pau Award goes to...
This is by far the weirdest ang pau I've received in my entire life
It looks the same front and back, and doesn't have a company name =S
Cutest Ang Pau Award goes to...
OCBC Bank's set of ang pau is really cute ^_^
There can only be one winner for each award
But I feel that this ang pau deserve a special mention
士林台湾小吃 (Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks) ang pau is pretty cute too ^_^
Thickest Ang Pau Award goes to...
By thickest, I mean the thickest material *haha*
Point B!'s ang pau was made of cardboard or something =S
Most Unique Ang Pau Award goes to...
If you look carefully...
You can see different Chinese surnames on the ang pau
There are even some weird ones like 司马, 令狐 and 钱
But there is no 洪 =(
isn't 洪 quite common??
Coolest Texture Ang Pau Award goes to...
Standard Chartered Bank is pretty smart this year
They came up with a design that appeals both to the eyes and the hand
You might not be able to see it clearly from this picture
But the paper texture is really really cool!!
Simplest Ang Pau Award goes to...
This is by V-MUM maternity concept and V-KY collection
I'm guessing it's a small company because I've never heard of them
small company = low budget = simple design
At least they didn't win the Ugliest Ang Pau Award...
Ugliest Ang Pau Award goes to...
I think this ang pau was actually produced a few years back
But nonetheless, it was the ugliest ang pau I received this year
Even though this next one is not super ugly
But judging by their past ang pau
They really underdone it this year
This is not so bad as it is the Premier one
But I can assure you the normal one is
really U-G-L-Y
Best Ang Pau Award goes to...
I may be a little bias here but I don't care >_<
Their ang pau is really pretty!!
Come on! It even has crystals?? or maybe not...
But it is still very very pretty~~
This picture just doesn't do it justice...
Here are three noteworthy ang pau that didn't make it
Anmum's depiction of the mandarin is really cool
Dove's shiny fishes were really cool too
(even though it doesn't look like it in the picture)
UOB's ang pau is just nice *haha*
This is the end of the 2010 Ang Pau Awards
Join me again next year for more Ang Pau Awards =)