Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lily Cole

Content might be offensive/inappropriate for some.
Contains nudity. You have been warned

You always hear people say it's hard to find someone who's got both the looks and the brains. But according to what I've been studying in my social psychology class and this article, people who are attractive get better grades, so it should actually be easy to find beautiful smart people.

After reading the article, I went to Google those beautiful smart people mentioned in the article to see if they are really that beautiful and smart, and I got rather obsessed with Lily Cole. Possibly because she's around the same age and actually really smart (straight A's for A-levels and first-class honors for her first and second year in university).

Evidence from Google Image proved that Lily Cole is indeed very beautiful,
in that unique model way anyway.

Mesmerized by her beauty and a sucker for artsy model shots, I did more googling...

She has such a wide range of look and expression, it's just amazing.
No wonder she was awarded Model of the Year at the 2004 British Fashion Award,
and got nominated again in 2007.

She's earning a heck load being such a high status model *jealous* and she also does quite a bit of humanitarian and environmental work I think. So she's a pretty awesome person overall, though there is one thing that bothers me. If you really think about it, she's actually selling her body for a living (TOK moment! XD).

Is it justifiable though that it is for the sake of art and that it is actually a professional career? I mean isn't she already getting paid a fortune without having to bare it all? In case you are wondering, Playboy isn't that distasteful. The last three pictures are from Paradis, some French porn (go figure!).

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