Thursday, October 1, 2009

BIG family

I grow up in a relatively big family. I tried to draw a proper family tree but it got too big and complicated Here is a simplified version of my family tree.

I did not extend on my grandmother and maternal grandparent's side because I'm not sure how some of those relatives are linked to me. How many of you can honestly say that you know all your relatives?

Anyway, here's a breakdown of having a big family:

  • More relatives = more friends = great network
  • If something happens, there's always someone there.
  • More food during gatherings ^_^
  • If your relatives are scattered around the world, there's usually free room and board when you go travel.
  • It is always more lively and fun during festive seasons and gatherings.
  • More "ang pau" during Chinese New Year.
  • Gossip (no matter good or bad) spreads fast.
  • Everyone does not necessarily get along well with each other.
  • Sometimes it can be quite noisy during gatherings.
  • You forget how to greet those relatives you see only once a year.

This is just a snippet of how it is like having a big family, it will take me forever if I were to list down everything. But it is clear that the pros outweighs the cons. I like having a big family and would not choose to have it any other way =)

1 critiques:

C's October 10, 2009 at 11:27 PM  

4 or 9 we're still aunts...same same lar :p

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