Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thermomix TM 31 - Vorwerk

I am not a fan of door-to-door sales, but it was really fascinating seeing this super-duper kitchen appliance in action.

The Thermomix TM 31 by Vorwerk is an all-in-one food-machine. It weighs, cut, chaff, knead, stir, blend, steam, bake, cook, stew etc and nearly cleans itself. Sounds unbelievable?? It's impossible?? BELIEVE IT!!

With a few simple touch of a button and turn of a dial, anyone can cook up a full course dinner with this ultimate food-machine. You will never have to worry about over-boiling or burnt food every again.

"Cooking with Thermomix is mere child's play: delicious, healthy and - above all - fast."
- Vorwerk

Something this great will always come with a great price. This machine here cost more than RM5000. It is a rather reasonable price to pay considering the number of engineers who put their effort in developing this product. But are you willing to pay that much?

To be honest, I would rather use the money for something else. Even though I think this machine is really incredible, I'd still like to cook the traditional way once in a while, especially when it comes to baking. It is just more fun when you get your hands dirty =P

However, for those who burn their cereal and over-boil their water, this may be a good option to consider *LOL*

Note: This product does have a few minor flaws. It may move while operating on high-speed and food may sometimes escape if it is not covered properly. Hence, it is unwise to leave the machine totally unattended while operating.

1 critiques:

ThermomixBlogger Helene October 19, 2009 at 1:19 PM  

I was happy to find a page that talks about Thermomix AND Little Lulu... all on one page!

If you have readers from the United States who are interested in Thermomix, they can visit the North American site to see videos of this machine and recipes too:

Thanks for the nice information "C"!

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