Friday, January 1, 2010

Movie Triathlon: Avatar, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Orphan

I had my doubts about the movie, and though the last half of the movie was somewhat predictable, it turned out to better than I expected. I totally love the graphics!! The Na'vi people and their habitat are so beautiful!! No wonder it is by far the most expensive movie to produce.

This is such a guy movie XD The plot twist was kind of cool and unexpected, but the ending was a bit weird. Nonetheless, a pretty good action movie (note that I'm not really an action movie fan).

TOTALLY AWESOME!!! It is so good that I got freaked out during one of the scene WHILE watching it on a portable DVD player squished at the back of an MPV with Amy and Fabian. The plot is really interesting because it totally wasn't what any of us expected. The tag line "You'll never guess her secret" is so true. It is very different from your usual thriller, which is a good thing because they are getting lame, boring and predictable these days. Orphan is really worth watching if you are into horror movies =D

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