Monday, August 23, 2010

Tze Yuen's SUPER belated birthday

A super belated birthday celebration calls for a super belated post XD

A whole bunch of us celebrated Tze Yuen's birthday at Bubba Gump last month.
It was sort of a surprise because she didn't know there were going to be that many people.

We got her a lovely cake,
a Missy Micey Doodoll
and a card that didn't have everybody's signature yet =P

Thanks to the crew at Bubba Gump,
she had to shake her booty before she got her presents XD
Note to self: Choosing the right birthday celebration venue is very important! *LOL*

One of the many group pictures taken.
There were soooooooooo many taken at one point
using some function thingy on Brian's camera
making it look like stop motion
if you browse through the pictures really quickly on Facebook.

It was a fun day with fun people =)

This is slightly random...

I simply love the decorations inside the restaurant.
This particular one really caught my attention.

It just reminded me of all those lovely TOK days
I'm not sure if you guys read my blog,
but I just want to let you guys know that
I really miss you guys ♥

all pictures courtesy of Brian

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