Friday, January 7, 2011

Just Us and Penang

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I'm too young to feel this old (or am I?), but it just feels right to write this post like this...

On one very fine day,
six young people decided to drive an old car all the way to Penang,
just because they felt like it.

They wanted to gobble up all that Penang had to offer,
so they ordered fried kway teow, fried oyster, and hae mee a.k.a Hokkien mee
everywhere they went until they got sick of it, literally!

There were lots of other food too of course,
but I'll reserve the review for another post when I come around to it.

For now, it's just the story of six crazy young people
who were courageous enough to go into a bar with shorts and flip-flops XD

Being young and full of energy,
they hiked to a far away beach just because they can.

Even though they are all different in their own way,
it did not matter because it was their free spirit that unites them.

May all six of these young people live a fruitful and awesome happy life always =)

~Be Forever Young~

pictures from Brian and icanread

p.s. I really don't mean to sound so old >_<

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