Sunday, March 13, 2011

Summer Fun

It's the end of Week 2 today, and what better way to motivate/depress (I know I'm being ambivalent >_<) myself than blog about all the awesome happenings during the summer that I left out XD

My Chinese New Year was pretty much really boring this year back in hometown. I have no idea why, but I just wasn't in the CNY mood pretty much the entire time I was back =( The feeling was just so different, and I felt like such a stranger in that town this year =S Some say it's because I've grown up, and things like growing up kind of does this thing to you whereby you stop enjoying festivals and holidays you once loved. But I beg to disagree, because after I got back to KL, it felt so much more like CNY with all the visiting etc.

One of my very few reunion dinner that I had this year at Cubes courtesy of Mr. Chew =)
I really don't know what happened, but this year is the year where I had the least CNY dinners *sigh*

First visiting stop at Shu Shan place, and my first gambling session of the year believe it or not =.=

Second stop at Han Yin's amazing house of mirrors *LOL* and Michelle's place.

Third was June's surprise birthday at her place thanks to all the Oscar-winning actors/actresses *wakakaka*

My place was next ^_^

Then Shu Shan's farewell came =(
We all had food literally up to our throats at Bumbu Bali,
and it was the last time most of the Leo family gathered together with her at Weng Howe's place.


Last stop at Brandon's house with his eyes on the TV as usual when there's a Liverpool match going on =P

photo by Audrey

Celebrating May Ling's belated birthday at Audrey's cool museum house
before the semester started for good the next day >_<

all other photos by Brian

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