Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Malaysian Studies Field Trip

Please read this with much sarcasm. Thank you.

Thanks to the super smart government who wants to make all their citizens super smart, I am super fortunate to be forced to take Malaysian Studies this summer. Luck has it that I got a super enthusiastic lecturer for the course too, and he thought it would be super nice if we all went for a field trip to the Perdana Leadership Foundation at Putrajaya for one of the Perdana Discourse Series talk on "Higher Education in Malaysia: Increasing Access and Quality", which was organized by University Teknologi MARA.

In case you can't read the fine print in the picture, it says sponsored by Proton. No wonder we got nasi lemak + kuih for breakfast before the talk, a break with REALLY BAD coffee in between and a buffet style lunch with super sweet syrup bandung (one wonders why they keep showing those "eat less sugar or you'll die" ads on national TV -_-'') at the end. ATTENTION all tax payers!! This is where your money really goes! To benefit the country and its people with such educational and informative talk that would bring Malaysia one step further in terms of development.

Pradeesh's smart thinking got us awesome seats outside the hall where we were able to talk crap and do whatever we want XD See those sad people, especially those VIPs at the front row on the projector screen? They just woke up from a very nice nap =) You can literally see the changes in their sitting position throughout the talk *HAHAHA*

I'm not even exaggerating when I said the talk was super educational and informative.
It was SO GOOD it even made Tun Abdul Razak cry (look carefully at the picture) *LOL*

The coolest thing there that truly caught all our attention.

Since we were getting bored outside and the media people left,
we decided to go in for the panel and Q&A session to enjoy the nice seatings and air-con.

I made fun of a girl camwhoring while we were outside the hall, but I just couldn't resist myself because the chair was just SUPER AWESOME!!! It was like THE BEST chair I've ever sat on in these kind of venues. You can even lean back on it for god's sake. They don't even have these kind of chairs in the cinema man! I now know why the VIPs were enjoying their nap so much XD

Ram catching a nap on the comfy chair after our language lessons *hehe*
I only promised not to post the picture on Facebook =P
Vaange saapde bogalaam Mr. Chewie Chewie~

Our group was the only one awesome enough to get a picture taken with Tun Dr. Mahathir's wife.
We were all so awesome that none of us even knew her name *wakakaka*

As you can see I'm the only girl in my group full of nerdy boys *haha* but having you guys around sure made Malaysian Studies less torturing =) Let's hope our drama will be as awesome as our group so that we only need 10% on our finals to pass this damn unit with soaring colors >_<

instead of the shitty piece of crap I handed up.

p.s. I really hope I know what I'll be writing for the coming midterm test *finger cross*

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