Monday, July 5, 2010


大日子 Woohoo!
This was supposed to be a comedy but it made me cry
I've forgotten why
It wasn't as funny as expected
It just wasn't great

葉問 2 - Ip Man 2
The fighting scenes were good
A happy ending
Some say patriotic, I say slightly racist
All in all, it was pretty good

Shutter Island
I thought it was a horror wasn't...
They say it messes with your did...a bit...
To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?
Either way, an AWESOME movie

Romeo + Juliet
Sense of hearing, sense of sight
The contrast was too much
I do not like it so
And think it too weird

孔子 - Confucius
It took a lot to understand the dialog
Though I can't say I understand the whole lot
Maybe I should re-watch with English subtitles
It is rather worth the watch

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