Monday, November 16, 2009


I had such high hopes for this movie, but it let me down instead of UP.

You have to chase your dreams,

But it is the journey that counts.

 Every step is an adventure,

Every obstacle is a reminder.

Sometimes, you have to learn to let go,

In order to gain a little bit more.

Never be consumed by obsession,

Always live life to the fullest.

It is a pity that Disney-Pixar did not manage to relay all that in a more magical way. Being able to travel in a floating house of balloons is not the magic I meant. The movie had its fair share of color and laughter, but it just wasn't magical for me. However, I have to give credit to Disney-Pixar for the subtle details that made the movie more meaningful than just-another-animation-film. Interpreting the underlying meaning of the story was probably the best part of the movie, given that there was one to begin with. All in all, UP is definitely not one of my favorite Disney movies.

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