Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Step Up 3 please step aside for Inception


I'm so glad that Inception was still being screened at the cinema when I finally decided to go and watch it. My brother and I were so mindfucked after the movie that we kind of forgot where we parked the car. I'm so getting the DVD so I can watch it again to catch everything else that I missed the first time around. Seriously a must watched for all those who likes to get their mind screwed over. I actually had some trouble sleeping that night after watching the movie because it just really messes with your head. Who is to say what is real and what is not?

The choreography and dances were AWESOME as usual. And Rick Malambri is HOT! HOT! HOT! But the storyline was just really not up to par with the first two. The fact that Nike's product placement was made SO obvious did not add to my liking either. Even the poster has the Nike shoes on it man -_-'' Nonetheless ♫ it made me feel like dancing, I want to dance the night away~ ♫

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